Perfecting My Craft...
AVID Digital XP
AVID Center, 2020 Three Days of Virtual Professional Learning With School-Year Support. AVID is a community for educators to recharge, get inspiration, and find resilience. Includes personalized one-to-one coaching sessions with AVID facilitators to provide just-in-time support to assist with implementation questions. IMPACT/IMPACT +
Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools, 2015-2018 Constructed problem-based tasks, used by the State DOE, to show the connection between math and careers. PEAK Learning Systems, 2018
In this session, we received an overview of how to flip our classroom, use online games as means of formative assessment and review for summative assessments, discussed the continuous digital divide among students in marginalized communities and the challenges of managing technology in the classroom. Secondary Math Pedagogy, MSI
Math and Science Investigation University of Richmond, Fall 2012 – Fall 2013 The MSI Program sponsor three separate math pedagogy and content graduate level courses for middle school math teachers. This program is specifically designed to help teachers gain valuable content knowledge and research–based pedagogical skills to employ in Richmond Public School (RPS) classrooms. Our goal is to help RPS middle school math teachers employ effective teaching strategies to promote academic success and nurture curiosity for RPS students in the sciences. Each teacher received individual coaching and mentoring by instructional specialists in the math field. This includes in-school observations, videotaping, examining teaching strategies, and content delivery with follow-up consultations. |
Charlotte Teachers Institute Fellow - UNC Charlotte & Johnson C. Smith University, 2020
Unit Plan: Mindful Transformations, More Than Meets The Eye An innovative partnership among CMS (Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools), the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC Charlotte), and Johnson C. Smith University, and is made possible by a joint commitment of resources and energy from all three Institute partners and through the generosity of private funders and community partners. Led by classroom teachers in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) and professors at UNC Charlotte and Johnson C. Smith University, CTI is founded on four pillars of strong professional development: content knowledge, creativity, leadership and collaboration. CTI continues to maximize its strong educational and community alliances to provide engaging, effective, teacher-led, professional development for CMS educators to advance student growth. Yale Fellow – Yale National Initiative, Yale University, 2013
Unit Plan: Mathematics of Energy Efficiency: Use Less, Save More Teachers Institutes focus on the academic preparation of school teachers and on their application in their own classrooms of what they study in the Institute. By linking institutions of higher education with urban or rural school districts where the students are mainly from low-income communities, Institutes strengthen teaching and learning in public schools and also benefit the institutions whose faculty members serve as seminar leaders. Participants do research, create and implement curriculum units based on topics discussed in group seminars. |